Second Cities

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Second Cities is an artistic project by Giuseppe De Francesco. It is a photographic exploration of the largest cities that are not capitals in several countries across the world.

When capital cities are chosen for symbolic or administrative reason, second cities often become thriving economic and cultural hubs, known for innovation and gathering global significance.
In Second Cities, photography serves as a tool for in-depth exploration and investigation of urban landscapes. It embarks on a cognitive journey, gradually revealing the essence and identity of these cities. Through visual representation, photography captures the tangible facets of urban life: the interplay of density, layers, overlays and juxtapositions of masses, volumes, and flows. Each photograph becomes a moment of claiming and restoring a sense of place, decoding its formal language and its interconnectedness within the broader cityscape.
These images, skillfully captured from privileged perspective, meticulously document the urban realities, offering a profound glimpse into the intricate complexities that define these non-capital metropolises.
The first SECOND CITIES exhibition has been held at TB80 space in Singapore, in the context of the Singapore Art Week from 19th to 28th January 2024.
error: All images © Giuseppe De Francesco
Photographer and
video director
currently based in
HCMC, Vietnam.